What We're Reading
Each month, the AVA Board provides an insight into industry-related articles, books, podcasts, or shows they are consuming, and what it means to their profession.

Dr Anthony Rotman
AVA Vice-President
Efficacy of Posterior Pharyngeal Wall Injection for Velopharyngeal Dysfunction in Adults.
Arora, N., Young, V. N., Schneider, S. L., Ma, Y., Rosen, C. A., Crosby, T. W. (2024). Efficacy of Posterior Pharyngeal Wall Injection for Velopharyngeal Dysfunction in Adults. The Laryngoscope, 135(2), 605-613. doi: 10.1002/lary.31788
This study demonstrates the impact of posterior pharyngeal wall injection, in addition to vocal fold and cricopharyngeal intervention, on dysphonia and dysphagia. It is retrospective but with a moderate sample size and adequate outcome measures (EAT-10 and VHI-10 amongst others), the results suggest improvements in quality of life with this treatment.
Rehabilitating patients' speech and swallow after head and neck cancer treatment or neurovascular accidents can be challenging. As a Laryngologist, it is reassuring to know that there is increasing evidence of patient benefit with the techniques described. Importantly, the authors acknowledge that speech and swallow impairments are often linked, highlighting the need at times for multiple procedure types to modify and improve laryngopharyngeal dynamics.

Jessica Ruhle
AVA Secretary
How to Write a Better Thesis
Evans, D., Gruba, P., & Zobel, J. (2014). How to write a better thesis (3rd ed. 2014.). Springer International Publishing.
How to Write a Better Thesis is an approachable book targeted at PhD students and early career researchers which shares anecdotes and advice on how to best survive the research process and communicate your findings.
I've often been told that the only thing that can prepare you for a PhD is doing a PhD, however I believe that reading this book is the next best thing. This book has helped me to understand that the process of a PhD is more about becoming a researcher than producing anything worthy of a Nobel Prize. I encourage anyone starting on their research journey to read this book.

Ajhriahna Henshaw
AVA Professional Development Lead
The Contemporary Singer - Elements of Vocal Technique
Peckham, A. (2010). The contemporary singer: elements of vocal technique. Hal Leonard Corporation.
Vocal Workouts for the Contemporary Singer
Peckham, A. (2005). Vocal workouts for the contemporary singer. Hal Leonard Corporation.
They are a description of training philosophies and exercises designed for CCM singers. I am reading them for research.

Dr Heather Fletcher
AVA President
Music Listening as Self-Enhancement
Elvers, P., Fischinger, T., & Steffens, J. (2018). Music listening as self-enhancement: Effects of empowering music on momentary explicit and implicit self-esteem. Psychology of Music, 46(3), 307-325.
This article examines how music listening can influence explicit and implicit self-esteem, taking into consideration the expressive properties of music and individual responses to them.
I’m interested in this research as I find the concept of music-listening and social surrogacy fascinating. Identifying with lyrics, mood, and vocal timbre can be strong motivations to engage with songs, and song selection can facilitate positive (inspiration) and non-positive (rumination) outcomes. Why do we listen to music, what do we want from it, and how do we feel during/afterwards?
Find the article here:
The Singing Athlete
Byrne, A. (2020). The singing athlete: brain-based training for your voice. Andrew Byrne Studio Inc.
This book addresses vocal pedagogy specific to physical development, the nervous and vestibular systems, and neuroscience. It includes comprehensive exercises to aid in vocal development.
I had a lesson with Andrew when he came out to Australia in 2019 and I really enjoyed his techniques. His pedagogy brings vocal training to the “gym” through targeting the synchronicity of muscle groups, nerve functions, and neurology. I value his exercises and the content he presents in his book and online.
Learn more here: https://www.andrewmbyrne.com/

Samantha U'Ren
AVA Professional Development Lead (2004)
The Vagus nerve reset: Train your body to heal stress, trauma and anxiety
Ferguson, A. (2023). The Vagus nerve reset: Train your body to heal stress, trauma and anxiety. Penguin Life Aus.​
I’m currently reading The Vagus nerve reset by Anna Ferguson which talks about the polyvagal theory and training your body to heal stress trauma and anxiety. It talks about the importance of the nervous system in healing, regulating and maintaining our health and well being. For those not so medically minded it gives a good basic description and breakdown of the nervous system and its role and of course the vagus nerve and its importance.
Polyvagal theory was developed by Dr Stephen Porges - professor of Psychiatry and Bioengineering at the University of North Carolina hospitals in Chapel Hill. He states that we are hardwired with a third response of the vagus nerve (1. Parasympsthetic ns which calms us and 2. Sympathetic ns which excites or activates us) 3 Autonomic ns being the social engagement system which explains the role of the ns in our behaviour, emotions and overall mental health. The ANS interprets safety or danger.
It’s all related to fight, flight and freeze responses in different situations for different people. She teaches ways to train your nervous system to respond to certain situations through movement, breath work, diet and teaches how to recognise triggers.